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5mins= 13k herblore xp and earn 200k

發表於 30-5-2010 22:19:06 | 只看該作者
請注意用字。 ...
燎原火 發表於 30-5-2010 20:15
On8+1 explanation
Megarunes 發表於 30-5-2010 18:13

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發表於 30-5-2010 22:23:06 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Prince` 於 30-5-2010 22:28 編輯

我都覺得係用外掛 bon您應該好清楚 clean淨幾個唔代表d乜
老實講您用bot咁耐唔通您無試過drop log果陣drop唔哂?

再者大家不如試下好似佢咁click法 就咁click 28次都唔只佢呢個時間,
我諗佢可能係用auto clicker etc既軟件 會有條route係到,
會跟住行 或者其他類似既軟件啦 我無乜留意RS有D咩MACROING既SOFTWARE,
只有咁先解釋到 如果唔係 咁樣係做到既話, 我諗大把人做啦.
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發表於 30-5-2010 22:43:22 | 只看該作者
我都覺得係用外掛 bon您應該好清楚 clean淨幾個唔代表d乜
老實講您用bot咁耐唔通您無試過drop log果陣drop ...
Prince` 發表於 30-5-2010 22:23

我想講,就算用bot/marco/auto都係會有D herbs係clean唔到,因為有lag,同埋rs本身有anti cheat,唔會比你太快,你睇最上個條link,個條友用bot一樣會有d clean唔到
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發表於 30-5-2010 22:56:12 | 只看該作者
Dont talk to me NewFag,i aint new
XnX 發表於 30-5-2010 22:02
Who are you then Mister XnX, apologizes for my mistake and my misunderstanding of you, and having a bad attitude while having a conversation/discussion with you.

XnX 發表於 30-5-2010 22:19
Atleast I have manners and keeping and taking these things not-so harsh to other people, unlike you taking this way too serious.
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發表於 30-5-2010 23:09:50 | 只看該作者
Who are you then Mister XnX, apologizes for my mistake and my misunderstanding of you, and having a  ...
Megarunes 發表於 30-5-2010 22:56

how am i taking it too serious
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發表於 30-5-2010 23:14:57 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 icy920801 於 31-5-2010 04:33 編輯

專用  滑鼠連按程式
0.01 秒一下  不過快得制會 detect 唔到甩左
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發表於 31-5-2010 01:54:02 | 只看該作者
有冇人sell 個set keybord =] 出返set 先 有冇相呀大家
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發表於 31-5-2010 10:16:24 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 MU7C_Ronaldo 於 31-5-2010 10:29 編輯

如果有人睇O下我post #11個vid, 條友(用super mousekey o個個) 3 秒clean晒一個inventory 既 herb
咁 3/28 係幾多秒呀-,-

自從RuneTek 5 之後, 有 D action 係冇左每個 action 所需時間限制, 所以 Xnx 話「同埋rs本身有anti cheat,唔會比你太快」同 Icy 話「快得制會 detect 唔到甩左」都唔係完全O岩晒

Zarfot 呢個video 就係一個exmaple: (終於明左係用[youtube])

個description 其中之一段:
One change is that there is now no limit to the number of bolts you can fletch in a given amount of time. Before Runetek 5 the limit was 20 bolts per game tick (0.6 seconds), but now you can fletch them as fast as you can click (in the video I often do 30 per game tick). Another Runetek 5 change is that it used to be that you couldnt fletch bolts 1 tick (0.6 seconds) after cutting a log because this would delay the next log, so you only had 2 ticks to fletch bolts (per log, which is 4 ticks), but now you can fletch bolts on that tick so you have 3 ticks to fletch bolts per log. The result of these two changes is that its possible to fletch bolts while woodcutting over twice as fast now as before Runetek 5.

Finally, another Runetek 5 change is that it is now easier to switch trees when one falls down without losing a chance to get a log (losing 2.4 seconds.)

就呢個例子黎講, fletch bolts 係冇左時間限制 (每次 fletch 所需既時間)
以前係每個game tick (0.6秒) 20bolt (2 actions)
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發表於 31-5-2010 14:16:22 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Clmak814 於 31-5-2010 14:23 編輯

有冇mouse key guide link..?
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發表於 31-5-2010 15:12:44 | 只看該作者

我未用過, 加上我個keyboard 都冇number pad, 所以想試都試唔到...
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